Customer Service Practices Which Annoy Your Buyers

Annoying Customer ServiceCustomer service has much to do with a business efficiency and reputation. No matter, what size and type of business you run, the level of your customer service is what, your buyers remember you for.  Excessive use of social media and ongoing developments in the cyber domain has made customers more demanding than before. Having a number of opportunities just on few clicks of mouse makes the modern-day customer more likely to switch to a better alternative, if not satisfied with your services.
Therefore, to keep your business on the winning track, you need to constantly work on improving your customer service strategies; because the little discrepancies can sometimes cost you billions.

Here are customer service practices that may frustrate your customers.

•    According to the US market survey, 74% of customers revealed that having to contact a company several times for the same reason is a frustrating experience. Getting no assistance or irrelevant support always comes as an annoying experience and it may turn your customers away forever. This ultimately affects a company’s image in the market.

•    69% of customers said that being on long hold for getting assistance extremely frustrated them. Usually the companies providing assistance through telephone and email put their customers on long waiting queues.  After having such a frustrating experience, a customer is never likely to come back to avail your services.

•    Customers appreciate the companies that listen to their complaints carefully and resolve the issues at first contact. However, repeating the same issues at multiple times, gives a feel that as the company is least interested with what is annoying its customers. 66% of customers indicated that repeating their issues over and over again to multiple service agents increased their frustration. Usually, providing assistance through telephones as, the companies transform a call to multiple representatives.

•    Company cannot survive for longer until or unless it gains trust of its customers. Trust leads a customer to make a purchase and repeat purchase with a particular company. Every company or business makes promises with its customers about its products and services; but delivering less than expectations damages its reputation as well as sales. 64% of customers said that finding a company delivers something other than they promised was an annoying customer experience as it has broken their trust.

These are the worst customer service practices which may turn your customers away, ultimately ruining your reputation and causing you a great loss.